karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

autumn color

2007-10-31 23:15:47 | ノンジャンル
koharu and I found that those green leaves
we had seen the other day turned red.

The autumn color season has come round again.
koharu wonders where her favorite insects have gone.

( in front of koharu's house )

passing of my dear uncle

2007-10-29 22:41:18 | ノンジャンル
I feel so lonely that my parents and their brothers
and sisters all have gone to another world.

My father passed away when he was 69 years old.
My mother passed away when she was 83.

My father's younger brother passed away
last Thursday, October 26.

When I visited him on September 2, he was all right,
very glad to see me and asked me to visit him again.

He was taken to hospital by ambulance last Tuesday.
He had caught severe pneumonia.

On Wednesday I hurried to his hospital in Fujisawa
but he was already in a state of unconsciousness.
On Thursday he passed away.
He was 90 years old.

His funeral was over today.
It was a Shinto funeral.

He was a chemist.
He was a Doctor of Chemical Engineering.
He was a very kind uncle of mine.

Sayonara, oji-chan!
I miss you so much.