karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

volunteer activity

2007-11-29 19:24:30 | ノンジャンル
As I often write here, I belong to Harmonica Circle
at a community center nearby.

Today we visited a nursing home for the aged people.
There were more people than when we visited last time.

We played 16 good old songs on the harmonica
and they sang to our harmonica.

It was very cold and windy outside.
But the hall in the nursing home was filled with warmth
and affection. I felt happy.

( on the way to the nursing home, tamagawa-josui )

a happy surprise

2007-11-26 00:00:55 | ノンジャンル
Three holidays were over
and my daily routine has started.

How long will the weather stay fine?
Today, again, it was a lovely day.
It was not very cold. There was no wind.

A friend of mine sent me a nice patchwork
card case--a happy surprise!
Thank you so much, dear Friend.

( Tamagawa-josui, in front of my apartment, this morning )

( today's sky around two o'clock this afternoon )

( a nice present from my dear friend in Niigata )

autumn tints in the mountains(1)

2007-11-24 11:52:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms. Y and I climbed Mt. Shiroyama and Mt. Takao.

We crossed Kobotoke-touge Pass on the way,
where we were filled with thanks to see beautiful Mt. Fuji.
The air was very cold and clear. There was some frost there.

Then we reached the top of Mt. Shiroyama.
We had onigiri-lunch there viewing glorious Mt. Fuji.

After lunch we walked to Mt. Takao.
Mt. Takao was crowded with more hikers for autumn tints.

It was indeed one of the best days for enjoying autumn colors.
What a great day we had!

(frosty grass)