karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Roppongi

2017-11-09 08:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Are you enjoying the autumn weather?

It's autumn of ART.

On Nov. 4 Mrs. M and I went to Roppongi
to enjoy two exhibitions held in Roppongi.

We met at one of the gates in Shinjuku Station.
Then we went to Roppongi by subway.

First, we went to Suntory Museum of Art
サントリー美術館 in 六本木・東京ミッドタウン
and enjoyed 狩野元信展.

There were many paintings
which really moved me.

Art is long; life is short.

After having a late lunch, we walked to
The National Art Center, Tokyo.
(国立新美術館, 六本木)

We enjoyed 安藤忠雄展 titled
Tadao Ando: Endeavors.

He is a world-class architect.

He has never studied architecture at school.

He studied architecture by himself.

He has been endeavoring to build
structures always in innovative ways.

I was overwhelmed by his original,
innovative designs.

Both exhibitions were crowded
with young people.

Mrs. M and I had a great day.
Thank you so much, Mrs. M.