karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert 2017

2017-11-05 13:07:00 | ノンジャンル
The 30th Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert
was held at 府中の森芸術劇場ウイーンホール
on November 3rd.

Amaryllis is a chamber music ensemble.
It was founded by 4 company employees 30 years ago.

This year 25 members (7 groups) performed on the stage.

My daughter and her husband have been members
of Amaryllis Ensemble for over 20 years.

My daughter and her husband make a group of
five people playing music together on the Saxophone—
yes, the quintet.

They played
組曲「ホルベアの時代から」Op.40 作曲:E.グリーグ.

My daughter played the alto sax, her husband the soprano
sax and their friends on the alto sax, the tenor sax and
the baritone sax.

They performed the music very well, I thought.


Last year I was not in good condition and could not attend
the concert.

This year I was getting better and hurried
to the concert hall by taxi.

I was happy to enjoy
Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert 2017.