karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to be 75

2017-11-22 22:03:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, I'm surprised
I've lived to be 75!

Last week, three of my good friends
baked a birthday cake for me.

They gave me a very good NZ wine too.

The cake is named “Opera”
after オペラ座 in Paris, France.

Thank you so much, Ladies!

On Nov. 19, my daughter and her family
had a birthday party for me.

We enjoyed NZ wine and Sushi.

I was glad to have an appetite.
I did enjoy some of Sushi!

They made me happy with their beautiful
birthday song in a vocal quartete.

Thank you so much, my dearest ones!

I can't believe I am 75 years old.

How time flies!

Actually, I don't like to be called 後期高齢者.