karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu has a severe headache.

2017-11-13 14:33:00 | ノンジャンル
It was very cold this morning.

I went to my daughter's house
to make sure the house was locked.

When I entered the front door,
I was surprised to see my daughter.

Why didn't she go to university?
What happened? I wondered.

“koharu has a severe headache and is now
sleeping in bed. I've decided to be absent
from the seminar today. I stay at home and
study here,” said my daughter.

I always take things seriously.

I'm worrying about koharu's headache.

What a relief
her mother stays with koharu!

On my way back
the autumn sky lifted my spirits.

Take it easy, karin.

Koharu will soon be all right.