karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

beautiful crisp autumn weather

2016-11-03 14:16:00 | ノンジャンル
What a fine clear autumn day here in Tokyo!

Not a cloud is to be seen in the blue sky.

(I know this is a very old expression.
This English always reminds me of the English
grammar class in my high school days.)

My daughter has gone to somewhere near Mt. Tsukuba
early this morning to join a barbecue seminar
held by Professor M.

Are they discussing astrophysics or the mysteries
of the universe while drinking beer?

Anyway, I am sure she is enjoying herself a lot
talking with her classmates.

My granddaughter, koharu, has gone to school
to practice the oboe.

My grandson, taka, will go to a college festival.

My daughter's husband stays
at home alone all day.

Thank you very much for your big heart!

(cherry trees)

(the last kaki 柿) I remembered O. Henry's The Last Leaf.