karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

manhole cover

2016-11-20 10:21:00 | ノンジャンル
Are you interested in manhole covers,
I mean, their patterns or designs ?

They have stories.

I happened to know I could get
a manhole cover card of Kodaira City
at 「ふれあい下水道館」

I don't know how many cards they prepared.

It was written there were 500 cards left and they would give
us those cards in order of arrival.(先着順)

So I left my apartment at 10:00, walked in the rain
along Tamagawa-josui and arrived 下水道館.

It was my first time to visit it.


This is the manhole cover card I got.

(the back)

This is a picture of our city's manhole cover
I took on my way back.

Are you interested in manhole covers?

I think I will take pictures of manhole covers
when I visit different towns or cities.