karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the Exhibition of Lucas Cranach (1)

2016-11-13 19:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I went to Ueno Park
to enjoy the exhibition of Cranach.

「クラーナハ 500年後の誘惑」

There is a Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472—1553)
exhibition on at The National Museum of Wester Art,

This is the first exhibition devoted to Lucas Cranach
in Japan.

It was a very interesting exhibition.

He is famous for his paintings of heroines in stories.

His nude paintings were not unpleasant.

Why? I'm sorry I can't explain.

Lucas Cranach and Martin Lurther were good friends.

Cranach had an influence on Pablo Picasso
and other modern artists.

Art is long; life is short.

Let's enjoy English Rhymes.

2016-11-11 14:37:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Friday today.

I attended Friday English Class at Kominkan.

First we learned what adjectives are.

We learned some rules for putting adjectives
in the correct order.

Then we learned some colorful idioms.

Lastly we enjoyed easy English rhymes.

How about enjoying the following
easy English Rhymes?

1.What do you wear that rhymes with cat?
2.What fruit do you eat that rhymes with hair?
3.What lives in the sea and rhymes with dish?
4.What comes out at night and rhymes with car?
5.What flies in the sky and rhymes with word?
6.What do you read that rhymes with cook?
7.What do you bake that rhymes with rake?
8.What do you eat with that rhymes with moon?
9.What do you drive that rhymes with far?
10.What do you sing that rhymes with strong?
11.Where do you sleep that rhymes with red?
12.What do you eat that rhymes with punch?
13.Where do you sit that rhymes with stair?
14.Where do you go for a walk that rhymes with shark?

All of us are over 60.
We had a very good time,
using our brains.



1.hat 2. pear 3. fish 4. star 5.bird 6.book 7.cake
8.spoon 9.car 10.song 11.bed 12.lunch 13.chair

I miss you, Friends!

2016-11-08 15:39:00 | ノンジャンル
It's cloudy today.

Oh, I miss the blue sky!

Autumn weather is changeable.
Will it be fine tomorrow?

I am awfully lonely.
Two of my good friends in Tokyo have passed away.

MJ-san, who was 60 years old, had promised me
to have lunch together again after leaving hospital.

Her elder sister wrote to me that she had died
so suddenly.

The other friend AT-san, who was 74 years old,
was one of my mountain friends.

He was suffering from lung cancer and promised me
to have a discussion of domestic politics
after leaving hospital.

His wife wrote to me that he had passed away
after six months of fighting against his illness..

Both of them told me not to visit them in hospital.
They said they would come back soon
and email me then.

I really miss you, MJ-san and AT-san!

beautiful crisp autumn weather

2016-11-03 14:16:00 | ノンジャンル
What a fine clear autumn day here in Tokyo!

Not a cloud is to be seen in the blue sky.

(I know this is a very old expression.
This English always reminds me of the English
grammar class in my high school days.)

My daughter has gone to somewhere near Mt. Tsukuba
early this morning to join a barbecue seminar
held by Professor M.

Are they discussing astrophysics or the mysteries
of the universe while drinking beer?

Anyway, I am sure she is enjoying herself a lot
talking with her classmates.

My granddaughter, koharu, has gone to school
to practice the oboe.

My grandson, taka, will go to a college festival.

My daughter's husband stays
at home alone all day.

Thank you very much for your big heart!

(cherry trees)

(the last kaki 柿) I remembered O. Henry's The Last Leaf.