karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the Exhibition of Lucas Cranach (3)

2016-11-13 19:43:00 | ノンジャンル
It took us about two hours to enjoy the exhibition.
Mrs. M and I had a late lunch at a terrace table
at a restaurant精養軒.

Then we strolled leisurely towards 不忍池.



Mrs. M and I sat on a park bench
and talked a lot as we always do.

Both of us felt thankful for being alive
and enjoying talking there like that.

We promised to meet again next month.

I walked 12036 steps in a day.

the Exhibition of Lucas Cranach (1)

2016-11-13 19:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I went to Ueno Park
to enjoy the exhibition of Cranach.

「クラーナハ 500年後の誘惑」

There is a Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472—1553)
exhibition on at The National Museum of Wester Art,

This is the first exhibition devoted to Lucas Cranach
in Japan.

It was a very interesting exhibition.

He is famous for his paintings of heroines in stories.

His nude paintings were not unpleasant.

Why? I'm sorry I can't explain.

Lucas Cranach and Martin Lurther were good friends.

Cranach had an influence on Pablo Picasso
and other modern artists.

Art is long; life is short.