karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu's "1/2 Seijin-shiki "

2010-03-02 22:18:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu's mother went to koharu's school.

The 1/2 Seijin-shiki 「 二分の一成人式」
was held at koharu's school.

koharu's mother went back to her work
after the ceremony.

koharu was excited and told me
how the ceremony went on.

All the 4th grade students sang a song 「旅立ちの時」.

All the 4th grade students played "Theme from Rocky"
on the piano, the organ, the accordion, the keyboard,
the recorder, the cymbal etc.

koharu played the accordion.
She liked the accordion very much, she said.

Every student wrote a letter 「未来の自分への手紙」.

Every student handed a letter of thanks「感謝の手紙」
to his/her parents.

Every student wrote a composition
as a remembrance of 「 二分の一成人式」.

All the 4th grade students wore happi coats, danced
ソーラン and enjoyed strong feelings of solidarity.


When I came to live in this apartment in Tokyo,
koharu was only 6-month-old baby.

koharu is now 10 years old.
Yes, koharu is growing year by year.

(koharu is my granddaughter.)