karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

yellow mimosa

2010-03-04 23:20:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I saw mimosas in my neighborhood in full bloom.
They were so beautiful.
I like yellow mimosas very much.

Mimosas reminded me of my first tour to Southern Europe
in February in 2003. I saw many mimosas from my bus window.
I was excited to see them.

Mimosas reminded me of a cafe in a hotel in Kyoto.
The name of the cafe was 'Mimosa'.

My daughter and I had tea there.
Do you remember that day, Daughter?

I was so happy, feeling relieved.
She had passed the entrance exams for a few universities.

I've just found that the language of flowers of "yellow mimosa"
is "esteem"--a feeling of respect and admiration for someone.