karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Yoshino-baigo with koharu

2010-03-13 21:43:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I took koharu to 吉野梅郷 in Ome City.

Something was wrong with Chuo Line
and my train for Ome was cancelled.

koharu and I changed cars three times
and arrived at Hinatawada Station 40 minutes
later than the scheduled time.

It was a very small station and was overcrowded
with visitors to Yoshino-baigo.

How beautiful!
Lingering snow was seen here and there.
Ume, plums, were in full bloom.
koharu and I went higher to get a better view.
koharu and I were greatly excited!

I felt happy to enjoy Yoshino-baigo
with koharu, my granddaughter.

I walked 13533 steps today.

(from Jindaibashi Bridge)