karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

walking in the rain

2010-03-07 23:16:00 | ノンジャンル
Where has spring gone?
It has been raining all day long.
It was very cold outside.

Ms. M and I went to Ginza and had lunch there.
Then we walked to Nihonbashi-Mitsukoshi in the rain.

The wind grew stronger among high-rise buildings
and blew my umbrella inside out.

At the department store I bought 「いくらしょうゆ漬け」
「鮭茶漬け」「いか赤つくり」made by 加島屋 in Niigata.
These are my daughter's family's favorites.

These days many department stores are closing shutters.
I was glad Nihonbashi-Mitsukoshi was crowded with shoppers.

It was my first visit to Nihonbashi-Mitsukoshi.
There was a wide area with a stage inside the entrance.
There was a pipe organ on the stage.

A lady appeared on the stage and played the pipe organ.
I enjoyed listening to her 'Air on G string 「G線上のアリア」'
and 'Amazing Grace.'
I loved the rich tone of the pipe organ.

It was a cold, rainy day but I walked a lot--14742 steps.

I had a very nice day indeed.

( Ginza's main crossroads )

( at Nihonbashi-Mitsukoshi )