karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

picnic in Koganei-koen

2008-10-31 21:46:24 | ノンジャンル
koharu had no school today,
because she had school last Sunday.

Her brother went to school.
Her parents went to work.
koharu and I went for a picnic in Koganei-koen.

koharu's mother bought a new lunch box for koharu
last month and made a picnic lunch for koharu and me.
We walked to Koganei-koen carrying a backpack on the back.

The clouds hung low.
Cold air was flowing through the park.
There were not so many people in the park.
koharu said, "Oh, I like this silent park!"

koharu and I enjoyed a picnic lunch which her mother
made for her. She was proud of her mother's cooking.
koharu said, "How delicious! I like eating lunch in the park. "

After lunch koharu enjoyed catching a ball.
We enjoyed walking on the fallen leaves to the playground.
There were few children playing on the playground.
Every equipment was hers.

koharu looked happy.
koharu and I had a lot of fun at the picnic.

koharu and I walked 15000 steps today.