karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Showa Kinen Park in autumn (1)

2008-10-05 23:07:51 | ノンジャンル
Today Ms. M and I visited Showa Kinen Park.
This was my third visit this year.

I arranged to meet Ms. M at Tachikawa Station on Chuo Line.
We walked from there to Showa Kinen Park.
Many people were walking in the same direction.

Showa Kinen Park was crowded with families.
Showa Kinen Park was vibrant with life.
Wow! Today everybody was admitted free!

Ms. M bought two picnic lunches at Tokyo Station
and brought them to Showa Kinen Park.
We sat on the grass and had a delicious lunch.

(ginkgo, icho)