karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Tottori-sakyu, Tottori Sand Dunes 1

2007-01-07 16:23:11 | ノンジャンル
The next day was again a very fine day.

My bus drove along the Japan Sea to Tottori-sakyu.
This was the very first place I wanted visit during the trip.

A few of my friends had told me that Tottori-sakyu was
just a monotonous sand hill. No, it wasn't.
Tottori-sakyu was magnificent, beautiful and impressive
sand dune.

I was so excited to be there that I couldn't help sharing
my happiness with my daughter. I called her by cellular phone.

She was kind enough to understand how and why I was excited.
She was kind enough to say that she herself was very happy, too.
Thank you, Daughter.

from Tokyo to Kaike- onsen in Tottori

2007-01-07 16:12:43 | ノンジャンル
It was on a beautiful Thursday morning that
I left my apartment for Tokyo Station.
I took a Shinkansen train bound for Okayama.

Then I boarded a bus to Kaike- onsen in Tottori.
It was a long, long distance to go.

On the way I visited an old shrine named "kamochi-jinja."
It was late in the evening and I felt somewhat scary.

(at 8:00, from Chuo Line)

(kamochi-jinja in Tottori, not kanemochi-jinja)