karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

detox foot bath (1)

2007-01-25 22:26:51 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to Komae City. It was my first visit to the city. I changed cars at Kokubunji Station , next at Tachikawa Station, then at Noborito Station and I arrived at Izumi-tamagawa Station at last.

A salon was just opened there yesterday. I was going to the salon to have a mystical experience. It was a salon of Detox Foot Bath Salon. The salon was carefully and beautifully designed by chiecom-san.

I put my feet in warm water, sat back and relax for 30 minutes. " It needs 30 minutes for the machine completes its cycle. The machine uses brass and stainless steel electrodes," they said.

The color of water was gradually changing! It turned brown. Did I have something wrong with my liver? Did the water combine with some substances from my soles? I didn't know why. Yes, my legs and feet felt very light. I felt so comfortable. I was full of energy.

So I decided to walk to Noborito Station, not to Izumi-tamagawa Station. I walked and walked on the bank of Tama-gawa River. I saw beautiful pine trees named 'goyou-matsu.' They are very famous pine trees, I hear.

I went over a bridge. I saw many boats on the river. Were they fishing boats? I went on and on. Alas! I got lost again. Which way should I go? I saw Many cars running but no one walking.

Finally I saw an old gentleman doing some exercises. He showed me the way to Noborito Station. What a relief! I managed to arrive at the station.

I was a bold adventurer--only yesterday.