karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the third day of a new year

2007-01-03 15:31:10 | ノンジャンル
The sky was very beautiful when I was
watching Hakone-Ekiden on TV.

But it got cloudy just when Hakone-Ekiden
ended in victory of Juntendo University.

Around noon I went out to post a few new
year's greeting cards.

On the way I saw a tall chestnut tree
with a lot of nuts on its branches.
I'm so sorry for it. Is the tree dead?

I also saw white spring flowers--- narcissus.
They looked as if they were talking and smiling.
Yes, they were certainly alive.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Tottori and Shimane.
I've never been there yet.

I'll be back very late at night on January 6th.
I hope it will be an exciting trip.