karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

social gathering

2007-01-13 17:53:11 | ノンジャンル
Today I attended a new year's social gathering
at my community center. It was a luncheon gathering.
Sekihan, red and white manju, buta-jiru soup and drinks
were served.

Some performances were given on a makeshift stage.
I enjoyed Japanese dance, magic tricks, shigin
(recitation of a Chinese poem), etc.

There were about 50 persons present.
Most of them were older than I.
I was glad they were still hale and hearty at the age of
over eighty.

They reminded me of an American poem YOUTH written
by Samuel Ullman. The poem starts with the line:

Youth is not a time of life--
it is a state of mind:

(on my way back I saw daffodils)