karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Takahata-fudoson

2015-06-14 10:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, after having late lunch, I went for a walk.
Where shall I go? It was a little late.

I decided to go to 高幡不動尊 in Hino and walk the hiking course
admiring hydrangeas.

I left my apartment around 2:30.

I went to Kokubunji by bus, and took a bus to Fuchu Station.

Then I caught a train for Keio Hachioji and got off
at Takahatafudo Station.

Here I am!

It was late and there were no people walking the hiking course.

Sorry to say, I was a little afraid to walk there all alone.

I should have come in the morning, then I could have walked
the hiking course alone.

I enjoyed strolling here and there in the precinct of the temple.

On the way back, I bought 高幡まんじゅう for my daughter’s family,

高幡まんじゅう was delicious!

I didn't take many pictures this time.

This is my favorite.

山椒の実 steeped in soy sauce

2015-06-10 22:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I found some 山椒の実 on koharu's 山椒の木
and picked them all.

What a small quantity of 山椒の実!

I made 「実山椒のしょうゆ漬け」according to
Hanna-Danna-san's recipe.


I hope I can enjoy delicious 冷奴
with this 「実山椒のしょうゆ漬け」---at least twice.

koharu's 南天 flowers are in full bloom.

my soroban, 62 years ago

2015-06-06 10:34:00 | ノンジャンル
I happened to find my そろばん under a few boxes.
while I was looking for a certain book.

I've never used this そろばん since I came to live in Tokyo.

Why did I bring this そろばん from Niigata?
Yes, I used to love そろばん.

This is the そろばん my mother bought for me
when I was a fifth grader, in 1953.

As soon as そろばん塾 was opened in my mountain village,
I asked my parents to let me attend the そろばん塾.

What a diligent and ardent student I was!
Whenever I had time to spare, I practiced そろばん at home.

I stated learning in September in 1953
and 9 months later passed
珠算能力検定試験3級 by 日本商工会議所.

Oh, I still remember the name of 日本商工会議所会頭
藤山愛一郎 written on the certificate..

Then I passed 2級 when I was a first year student
at junior high school.

But I could not pass 1級.

In those days, in order to pass 1級, you had to take
over 80点 in 掛け算・割り算・みとり算・みとり暗算
and 伝票計算.

Alas! My score in みとり暗算 was 70点
and I failed to pass 1級!

And I stopped attending そろばん塾 and started to study
for the entrance examination to high school.

Oh, how I long for those good old days!