karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Shinjuku, on a sunny Saturday

2015-06-21 16:13:00 | ノンジャンル
We are now in the rainy season,
but it was a sunny day yesterday.

I went to Shinjuku with YI-san, a friend of mine
and we enjoyed the photos by the members of


Ms. Hiroko Yamaguchi, a member of能楽写真家協会
invited us to

創立10周年記念―写真展「能 花への誘い」
held at アイデムフォトギャラリー in Shinjuku.

No cameras allowed.

41 photos were exhibited.
Each of them showed a scene from Noh performances.

I felt as if I were in the Noh theater能楽堂
and were enjoying Noh performances.

Thank you so much, Ms. Hiroko Yamaguchi.

My friend and I were overwhelmed with the indescribable
solemnity of the exhibition.

Then we went to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.
We enjoyed walking there.

What a beautiful garden!

(Shinjuku Gyoen Goryo-tei)

(from inside of the building)

We had a late lunch at a restaurant in Takashimaya
and we left for home.

We spent an agreeable day downtown, Tokyo.

I walked 13834 steps yesterday.