karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Takahata-fudoson

2015-06-14 10:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, after having late lunch, I went for a walk.
Where shall I go? It was a little late.

I decided to go to 高幡不動尊 in Hino and walk the hiking course
admiring hydrangeas.

I left my apartment around 2:30.

I went to Kokubunji by bus, and took a bus to Fuchu Station.

Then I caught a train for Keio Hachioji and got off
at Takahatafudo Station.

Here I am!

It was late and there were no people walking the hiking course.

Sorry to say, I was a little afraid to walk there all alone.

I should have come in the morning, then I could have walked
the hiking course alone.

I enjoyed strolling here and there in the precinct of the temple.

On the way back, I bought 高幡まんじゅう for my daughter’s family,

高幡まんじゅう was delicious!

I didn't take many pictures this time.

This is my favorite.