karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to 'Gallery 美庵' in Ginza

2014-07-20 10:29:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I visited 「Gallery 美庵」 in Ginza.
It was my first visit to the gallery.

I went to Tokyo Station, changed trains there
and got off at JR Shinbashi Station.

Where is 「Gallery 美庵?
Which way should I go?

It was very difficult for me to find the gallery.
But a gentleman who was jogging alone was
so kind as to look for the gallery with me.

Wow! Here we were! I didn’t know how to express
my thanks to him.

The gallery is located on the old street 金春(こんぱる)通り.

「Gallery 美庵」is on the fifth floor of 平つか building.

「Gallery 美庵」was a small cozy gallery which made me
calm and warm.

Every painting had something original or individual.

The painting I wanted to enjoy was titled

It was painted by Mayu-chan
who has Down's syndrome.

Her mother's blog is as follows:

Mayu-chan's painting touched me deeply.

After enjoying talking with the front desk lady, I went to
中央通り. What a relief!

中央通り was crowded with people from foreign countries.
Is business brightening up in Ginza?