karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday English class was canceled

2014-07-11 12:16:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Friday and I was supposed to attend Friday English Class.

But we had decided to cancel the class the day before yesterday,
because the worst typhoon #8 was to sweep the Kanto area
this morning.

We thought we'd better not to go out when the typhoon
was approaching.

It would rain hard.
The wind would blow hard.

We thought it would be dangerous for our American teacher
to drive in the heavy winds and rain---
all the way from the Base.


Our worries were all groundless!

What a beautiful morning!

A clear blue sky after the typhoon has passed!

I am sitting back and enjoying my Friday morning, anyway.

July 7, tanabata

2014-07-07 13:34:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning, I went to a public library nearby.
Wow! I found a Sasa-kazari in the library.

It's July 7!

It's the Festival of Vega---七夕.

The bamboo branch had different colored strips
of paper tied to the leaves.

Little children may have written their wishes
on these 短冊.

They were written in ひらがな.
I read some of them---


It has been raining lightly since early in the morning.

I'm afraid Vega and Alter won’t be able to meet tonight.

I feel so sorry for them.

treasured masterpieces from Taipei

2014-07-03 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
Most of you have been to Taipei in Taiwan.
You visited National Palace Museum, Taipei, didn’t you?
I’ve never been to Taiwan.

The day before yesterday I visited Tokyo National Museum
in Ueno (東京国立博物館) and enjoyed some of the treasured
masterpieces from Taipei.

I had to wait in lines for one hour and a half minutes
before appreciating 翠玉白菜 which has never been
exhibited overseas.

Then I went to 平成館 and saw noble antiquities, paintings,
calligraphy, rare books or documents.

I wished I knew more about Chinese history.

(翠玉白菜 本館特別5室)