karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

walking in Yokohama

2014-07-14 20:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I woke up early in the morning.

I could not sleep well because of too hot night.
I felt uncomfortable and tired after only four hours of sleep.
I thought to myself, “I'll have a lazy Sunday at home.”

But I changed my mind!

“It's the second Sunday and I'll join ‘Green Road Walking Club’
instead of staying at home all day,” I thought.

I hurried to Kodaira Station and arrived there in time.


Here we are at みなとみらい駅!
We started to walk from here.


(汽車道Kishamichi Promenade)


I took onigiri-lunch here with a lady.

After lunch we went to海上保安資料館横浜館
where a North Korean 工作船 was exhibited.

Then we took SEA BASS and went to 山下公園.

We got off SEA BASS and walked to みなとの見える丘公園.

Then we walked to 元町and 中華街.

Some members went to a restaurant but I was full
and had no appetite.

I had a rest in the shade with other members,
enjoying chatting.

My Sunday turned out wonderful Sunday!

I walked 18173 steps in a day.