karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Shakespeare Theatre

2012-06-24 09:20:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday, I went to see a play
at 俳優座劇場 in Roppongi with Tomoe-san.

The play was Pericles, Prince of Tyre.(ペリクリーズ)


To tell the truth, I knew nothing about the play Pericles.

The play was written by William Shakespeare in 16th century.

The play was acted in Japanese.

The play was directed by Mr. 出口典雄.


There was almost no scenery on the stage!

There were almost no Shakespearean costumes!

I’ve never seen any of Shakespearean plays
acted in English on the stage.

I wish I could, but can I see them in Japan?