karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

time flies!

2008-12-15 20:57:14 | ノンジャンル
In December time flies more quickly
than in any other month.

I'm surprised that itt's already December 15th!

What have I been doing so far?
I've got a cold.
I have not been feeling good most of the time.

It was very cold this morning.

The temperature in Shibuya-ku was reported
to be 3.6℃ this morning.

The temperature here in Tama area
might have been below zero.

It got warmer and warmer in the daytime.

My granddaughter, koharu, came home
around three o'clock.
She looked well.

She drew some pictures in her notebook.
Then she did her homework.

My grandson came home from junior high school
before four o'clock.

Last Friday he left school early
because he felt very ill.
It was his first time in his 9 school years.

He looks a little tired, though he says he is all right.
I'm glad he has a good appetite anyway.

koharu is now reading a book---
L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables
translated by Yumiko Taniguchi.

koharu, her brother and I are waiting
for their mother's return.

( written at half past four this afternoon )

view from the Acropolis in Greece
in December in 2003