karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my Niigata (1)

2008-12-26 21:44:15 | ノンジャンル
I came to live in Tokyo in the year of 2000.
Almost nine years have passed.

I went back to Niigata six times
in the first year in Tokyo.

This year I went back to my house in Niigata
only three times.

Whenever I am in Niigata, I feel relaxed.

Whenever I see what I used to see in Niigata,
I feel my heart filled with good old memories.

My precious memories always encourage me to live.

Yes, I know I have to live out my life.
Where?---in Niigata or in Tokyo?

That's the question.

(from Shinkansen-window)

(in front of Niigata Station)

I saw a big strange plant growing in my garden.
It had fruit.