karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

ume-matsuri in Koganei Park

2006-03-05 23:38:34 | ノンジャンル
It was a bright day in spring.
koharu and I walked to Koganei Park
and had a lovely time together.

We had lunch under a ume-tree in full bloom.
A lot of families visited the park and their
children were playing in the open space.
What an enjoyable and peaceful scene!

koharu and I walked 13000 steps today.
I was very happy to find that koharu was
getting stronger year by year.

sunday morning

2006-03-05 09:09:01 | ノンジャンル
I am not an early riser.
It is very stressful for me to get up early
in the morning. I have to set the alarm clock
for five when I have a plan of mountain climbing.

It is very strange that I wake very early
on Sunday mornings. I do not set the alarm
but wake at five on Sunday mornings. I stay in bed,
listening to the radio, until seven o'clock.

The radio is my best friend, especially on Sundays.
I'm now writing this article listening to the radio
program "ongaku-no-izumi."

I feel a little bit lonely on Sunday mornings.
I know everybody sometimes feels this kind of loneliness.
I'm sure I have the inner strength to handle loneliness.

(at ura-takao, Mar.14, 04)