karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

walking in Chofu (2)

2014-10-13 18:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Here we are at 神代植物公園 !

I visited the garden on May 18 by myself and enjoyed
spring roses to my heart's content.

There were fewer roses blooming this time.
This time I enjoyed dahlias.




(other dahlias I like)

We had onigiri-lunch lying on the lawn.

walking in Chofu (1)

2014-10-13 18:20:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I joined ‘Green Road Walking Club’
and enjoyed walking in Chofu City.

国分寺駅 ⇒ 立川駅 ⇒ 分倍河原駅 ⇒ 調布駅 ⇒
布多天神社 ⇒ 神代植物公園正門 ⇒ 芝生広場(昼食)⇒
深大寺 ⇒ 三鷹駅 ⇒ 国分寺駅

We 30 members met at the Kokubunji Station at 9:30.
We arrived at the Chofu Station at 10:30.

I was surprised to know it is the fastest and the least expensive
way from Kokubunji to go to Chofu by way of 南部線and 京王線.

A chief priest was waiting for us at the Chofu Station.

Our leader told us he is a famous priest among Buddhists
and an article about him appeared in some newspaper.

We started to walk with him to 深大寺 by way of 都立神代植物公園.

First we walked to 布多天神社.


Then we walked toward 都立神代植物公園..

On the way there we saw modern buildings along the street.

The following building a very, very large building.
It looked like a company building but we could not find
any name written on the building.

What is it?

How peaceful! It is the Nogawa River.

What is that building? We wondered again.

Tell me please, if you know what those buildings are.


2014-10-07 21:04:00 | ノンジャンル
I am greatly excited at the news
hat the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014
was awarded jointly to three Japanese scientists:

Isamu Akasaki,
Hiroshi Amano and
Shuji Nakamura

"for having invented a new energy-efficient and
environment-friendly light source – the blue light-emitting diode
(Nobelprize.org, the Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize)

Oh, how happy I am!
We Japanese are all proud of you.


(today's sky)

(three pencils I saw today at the entrance gate
of a nearby elementary school)

English conversation

2014-10-04 15:41:00 | ノンジャンル
I am a member of Friday English Circle at Kominkan.

We have three classes a month----
on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays.

On the first Friday, we have a free conversation
in English.

On the second Friday, we do exercises in English grammar,
composition, vocabulary, etc.

On the third Friday, we read one story
from a book Chicken Soup.

Our class begins at 10:00 and ends at 12:00.

We have a tea break at 11:00.

Yesterday, we enjoyed a free and easy conversation in English.

Don't you think we have a frank conversation
about personal matters
when we speak in English?

Will the day come when we have an lively English conversation
about the timely topic?

Our American teacher brought
Halloween chocolates and napkins
for our tea break.

How delicious!

Anyway, I had a good time.

(on my way home, at 5:30pm, yesterday)

to‘the NIKON PLAZA Shinjuku’ and ‘the Ueno Royal Museum’

2014-10-02 10:33:00 | ノンジャンル
This is the good season for enjoying art, isn’t it?

Yesterday, we, four ladies, went to ‘NIKON PLAZA Shinjuku’
to see Ms. Hiroko Yamaguchi's photos taken in Ishinomaki,
Miyagi Pref.

Ms. Yamaguchi is a member of 能楽写真家協会
and a member of 全日本写真連盟.

This time her photos were not of Noh but those of people
who survived that 311 Earthquake and are living again—
cheerfully with strong will.

The following is the message from Ms. Yamaguchi.


山口宏子写真展 石巻より元気発信






2014年10月1日      山口宏子


I was deeply touched and encouraged
by each photo.

Then we went to the Ueno Royal Museum, 上野の森美術館.
We appreciated ボストン美術館浮世絵名品展「北斎」.

It was an exciting exhibition.

What a great artist Hokusai is!

I haven't seen most of his works before.

I'm sorry those works will soon go back to
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.