karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

DOUTOR lunch was canceled

2014-10-23 18:12:00 | ノンジャンル
A cold rain has been drizzling down all day.
It is quite cold today, but not uncomfortably so.

I did housework and hurried to DOUTOR, a coffee shop,
to meet HK-san, a friend of mine.

I ordered a sandwich and an English tea.

Then I noticed I had received an email from her.

She sent me the mail at 10:00 but I did not notice it.

The mail said she had a stomachache and was waiting
to see a doctor at the hospital.

I wrote back to her,
”Don't worry about DOUTOR lunch.
We can have lunch together next time.
Take good care of yourself, please.”

I hope she is all right.

(around the apartment)