karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

English conversation

2014-10-04 15:41:00 | ノンジャンル
I am a member of Friday English Circle at Kominkan.

We have three classes a month----
on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays.

On the first Friday, we have a free conversation
in English.

On the second Friday, we do exercises in English grammar,
composition, vocabulary, etc.

On the third Friday, we read one story
from a book Chicken Soup.

Our class begins at 10:00 and ends at 12:00.

We have a tea break at 11:00.

Yesterday, we enjoyed a free and easy conversation in English.

Don't you think we have a frank conversation
about personal matters
when we speak in English?

Will the day come when we have an lively English conversation
about the timely topic?

Our American teacher brought
Halloween chocolates and napkins
for our tea break.

How delicious!

Anyway, I had a good time.

(on my way home, at 5:30pm, yesterday)