karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

what a lovely day!

2014-10-17 21:35:00 | ノンジャンル
It was very cold when I got up this morning.

I opened the windows in my apartment
and let in some fresh autumn air.

The sunshine glinted off the windows.

What a beautiful day!

The sky was so blue.

With a bright sky overhead, I walked to the City Hall
to attend my granddaughter's school event.

I enjoyed junior high school students' chorus.

I enjoyed the performance by Brass Band Club.

I enjoyed PTA's chorus.

The junior high school students sang clearly
and beautifully.

They sang with firm, rounded tones.

I was often moved to tears.

Where has my baby koharu gone?

She is not a baby any more.
She is not a little girl any more.

She is growing up each day.

Oh, how I miss those happy days with her!

Time really flies.

(on my way to the City Hall, today at 9:30am )