karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

from Mt. Shiroyama to Mt.Takao (1)

2010-09-19 11:24:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday it was such a beautiful autumn day
that Ms. Y and I climbed Mt Shiroyama.

This was our second climbing mountains this year.
We climbed Mt. Kagenobu on Jan. 10th,
8 months ago!

We met at the bus stop in front of Takao Station on JR Line.
We took a bus to Kobotoke, terminal, and began to go up
the mountain trail.

Oh, how many times did we climb Mt. Shiroyama or Mt. Takao?
Many times, indeed.

We walked very slowly.

We started from Kobotoke, took a break at Kobotoke-touge、
and had an early lunch at the top of Mt. Shiroyama.

Mt. Fuji could not be seen.