karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

tour to Shikoku (6)

2010-09-01 12:41:00 | ノンジャンル

After lunch our bus ran to 琴平町 in Kagawa.
We arrived there around two o'clock.
What a hot day!

I was wondering if I could go up 785 steps
to the main building of 金刀比羅宮---in that summer heat.

But something in myself urged me to go up to 本殿.
Yes, I would, I said to myself.

And I did it in that summer heat.
I'd like to say "Thank you!" to everybody.

When I was crossing the 瀬戸大橋, I saw a beautiful rainbow.

We reached 岡山駅 a little after 5 o'clock in the evening.

We took the Nozomi Superexpress to Tokyo.

I came back to my apartment around midnight.

I really enjoyed my tour to Shikoku so much.

tour to Shikoku (5)

2010-09-01 12:29:00 | ノンジャンル

What a long day!

I saw Kouchi City out of my bus window and arrived
at the place where 土佐・龍馬であい博 was held.

No photos were allowed there except two photo spots.

I was very scared of crossing the bridge かずら橋.
But I tried and crossed the bridge. Boy, was I scared!

M-san and I had lunch at a restaurant at 大歩危.

tour to Shikoku (4)

2010-09-01 11:06:00 | ノンジャンル

Our bus was running to Kouchi City.

Oh, I was looking forward to seeing 桂浜.

Taking a walk on the beach 桂浜 has been one of
my cherished dreams.

At last I came to 桂浜!
At last I walked along 桂浜!

We reached our hotel around 6:00 in the evening.

(from my hotel room)

tour to Shikoku (3)

2010-09-01 10:30:00 | ノンジャンル
[ from 内子~宇和島~四万十川]

Many of the group members looked sleepy
Actually many people were sleeping.

I never sleep when I am travelling by bus, by train or by plane.

I was enjoying the scenery of Shikoku out of my bus window.

The 四万十川 was a deep and clear river.
We got on a roofed boat, 屋形船, and enjoyed going down and up
the river.  We had lunch on 屋形船.

Do you know 沈下橋 ? It is a bridge with no parapets 欄干.
