karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Manjushage in Kinchakuda

2010-09-29 22:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday the television said ヒガンバナ in 巾着田
were at their best now.

So I got up early in the morning, I did the washing
and cleaning my room.

I left my apartment at half past eight and hurried
to the nearest station on Seibu Line.

I changed trains at Hagiyama, Kodaira, Tokorozawa,
Han-no and arrived Koma Station.

On the train for Tokorozawa, I sat next to a Philippine
lady and we enjoyed talking in English.

When I was walking alone around the 巾着田, some people
asked me to take their pictures.

One of them was a lady from Yamagata City.
She said, "How beautiful! I wish I could stay here longer
but I have to go back to Yamagata today."

In 巾着田、a thick carpet of 曼珠沙華 covered the ground.
I had a good time there.

In 巾着田, they call the flowers 曼珠沙華, not ヒガンバナ.

I walked 19709 steps today.