

6月24日 今日は罰としてNOVA

2020-06-24 21:29:34 | 英語学習・英会話

I was involved in the web meeting in English with American
at company.
But I couldn't exert advantage of English skill there that
I have been studying.
Just as I've been thinking usually , listening to real English
was as too difficult as ever.

So ,although it was Wednesday , I went to NOVA as a
punishment to me instead of practicing Kickboxing at gym
and workout. Furthermore I took lesson with the teacher
I have never taken before.
I was frustrated by it, I write this article down here for me .
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Unknown (桂蓮)
2020-06-25 22:40:20
Ummmm....I think your English is good but the way expression is the Japanese way.
So native speakers sometimes confuse what you are trying to say...I guess taking a lesson can be a help but it cannot be a solution.
Maybe you just watch a documentary with English audio and subtitle.
Unknown (山K)
2020-06-26 21:19:22
Hi 桂蓮さん  はじめまして\(^o^)/
Thank you for your comment!
In fact this is first time getting comment to my
So I'm very happy because NOVA teacher only
compliment me.
As you know , I'm beginner of English and I've
tried to look for the site of English but I can't
find it. Could you tell me the any site, if you
have the site which you recommend?

I think the textbook sold at bookstore doesn't improve my English skills anymore. I can't
pursue English in my mind that native speaker
Unknown (桂蓮)
2020-06-30 01:09:05
1. Maybe it'd better started with kids' books because the grammar and vocabularies are easy to guess.
2. Watch YouTube, searching what you want to know
like "how to improve speaking English like a native speaker"
3.Set your computer and cell phone in English.
4. Enjoy a word game while setting on English.

Adobe is how to start from the basic level.
If you clear those 4 steps, ask me further stages.

Keiren Applebaum from the US. CT

Unknown (山K)
2020-06-30 20:05:18
Thank you for your advices!
I'll try how to learn you recommend.
Actually I've already been doing just No.3!

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