

3月7日 今日は左フックを習った

2020-03-07 20:53:04 | キックボクシング
I believed the alarm clock in smart phone this morning but it didn't work .
Although it caused by something in it,I don't understand.I give up to use music as alarm .
That's why I got up at 7:30 this morning and I studied for only two hours.
・スラスラ瞬間英作文(おかわりスラスラ話すための) 30分
・DUO3.0 60分
・究極の英語リスニングvol.1 30分

Kickboxing gym was empty by the influence of Coronavirus.
Continuing from last Wednesday,I learned a new technique,new punch "Left-Hook" .
I thought Left-Jab was a weak-punch but Left-Hook was strong because this is punched
by using rotation of body after Straight-punch.
・なわとび 3分x3R
・シャドウ 3分X3R
・サンドバック 3分x3R
・ミット打ち 3分x2R
・シャドウ 3分X5R 
And I had NOVA lesson evening.I couldn't stud in Mcdonald before NOVA lesson ,
because NOVA friends who finished their lesson came there.
We talked about NOVA teachers and our private lives.
・whether A or B  AであろうとBであろうと
・circular(形) 円形の、循環する
・Now that you mention it,・・・  言われてみれば、そういえば
・there is bound to be (nown) (100%)there will be   必ずある
・filling  inside things(only food) curr-pan is bread with curry fillings. 詰め物
・tier 段、列、層 level
