karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Sep.20, Sunday

2020-09-20 10:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Another week has passed since my last article
and long-awaited autumn has come!

How happy I am!

It's not hot, nor cold today.

It's cool but a little humid.

I'm looking forward to a beautiful clear autumn day.

But to tell the truth, I miss the severe summer heat
a little.

I sent a tense life during the summer.

What a relief when the night came!

I felt I had a satisfying day and thanked for surviving
the severe summer heat.


Are you enjoying your autumn consecutive
holidays? (秋の連休)

Oh, I wish I could see my husband in his grave!

I'm sorry I can't go back to Niigata---
to your grave to pray.

I talk to you every day here in Tokyo.
Do you hear me,Darling?

I miss you so much, Darling.

(on the way to the supermarket)