karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Happy Birthday, Daughter!

2015-03-11 09:44:00 | ノンジャンル
How quickly time flies!

You were a little baby.
Your father and I took care of you so tenderly.

Your father passed away when you were 6 years old—
just before you were going to start elementary school.

You are wonderfully warmhearted.
You are strong in mind and body.

You have been my best friend.
You have been my life.

I am proud of you, Daughter.

Let me say ‘Thank you’ on your 47th birthday.

quilts of four seasons

2015-03-10 11:49:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to Tachikawa Takashimaya Department Store
to enjoy an exhibition of 100 pieces of Japanese quilts
expressing four seasons in Japan.

Etsuko, one of my friends, is a teacher of quilting.
She gave us each an invitation ticket to the exhibition.

All of those 100 quilts were marvelous!
How many years ( or months?) did it take to complete
one masterpiece? (No cameras allowed.)

After enjoying the exhibition we had lunch at 歌行燈
in Isetan Department Store.

Then we went back to Takashimaya to attend
a workshop by Etsuko.

Many ladies attended the workshop.

Etsuko was a very good teacher.

We each made a necklace like this.

I had a very good day with my friends.

Thak you so much, Etsuko-san!

movie, CHEF

2015-03-05 11:04:00 | ノンジャンル
I've wanted to see movies in English.

I've wanted to hear real spoken English,
not on the radio English programs.

Yesterday I went to see an American movie titled CHEF.
I knew little about the movie.

It is an American comedy-drama movie.
You can read its story on the Internet.

I do love the movie CHEF!

It tells us what is important in life.

How I missed Miami I visited in 2013!

The movie made me happy.
I enjoyed English too.