karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

two movies I saw last week

2015-03-23 00:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Last week I went to Tachikawa Cinema twice
to see the movies.

On March 17, I saw ‘The Theory of Everything’,

I know some about Professor Hawking.
I've read one of his books.

I have been interested in his life---how he has lived so far.

The performance of Eddie Redmayne as Professor Hawking
was amazing!


The other movie I watched last Saturday was titled
‘Into the Woods’

The heroes or heroines in Grimm's Fairy Tales
go into the woods with a baker and his wife.

Grimm's Fairy Tales are—

Cinderella (シンデレラ)
Little Red Riding Hood (赤ずきんちゃん)
Jack and the Beanstalk (ジャックと豆の木)
Rapunzel (ラプンツェル).

And what happens in the woods?

It is a movie musical
and I enjoyed it so much.