karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Happy Birthday, Koharu !

2005-10-28 23:15:27 | ノンジャンル
Do you know how happy I was to hear the news? I was working in Niigata at that time. I was waiting for a phone call. The phone rang at last. I got it and knew that a girl was born. 

How exciting to have another grandchild! Your mother had a Caesarean again. Your brother was five years and seven months old then.

6 years have passed since that day. You've grown into a lovely, kind girl who likes playing dolls--dressing dolls, naming dolls and making a good story for dolls. You like drawing. You like playing the piano.

You love nature so much. You love every living creatures. You like and gather smooth stones. Yes, you find delight in the mysteries of earth, sea and sky. You have the Sense of Wonder, I believe.

I hope you will get stronger and will not mind it, even if some boys and girls may tease you by saying that you are a very slow runner. Always know that you are loved by karin.