karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

love is everything

2005-08-29 15:03:45 | ノンジャンル
When my class was over, one of my students came over to me and suddenly said to me, "What do you think is the most important in life, if you have to choose only one thing, Mrs. karin?"

She was a silent, gentle and very diligent girl. She read a lot of books. She would not speak to anyone in the classroom. I was afraid that she had no good classmates in those days. She was a little shy. She answered every question I asked her very clearly---in a loud voice. I knew she wanted to enjoy talking.

Have you decided your answer? I said to her, "Well, we could not live without air. But I'd like to say 'love' is the most important to live out our life. Do you love someone? Have you ever loved someone? Love will make your life brighten. This is my answer. Is it OK?" She smiled at me and said, "Thank you, Mrs.karin, I love you."

I often remember her, who must be now 28 years old. I hope she lives a happy life.