karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

general election

2005-08-31 17:46:57 | ノンジャンル
I have never abstained from any voting so far since I was given voting right. However, it seemed nothing changed at all, no matter who or which party I voted for.

But this time I'm excited at the Sept. 11 Lower House election. This election is easy to understand and I feel as if it were a direct election, national referendum.

Who will come into power? Koizumi or Okada?

Prime minister Koizumi says the postal privatization will lead to other structural reforms. Okada, the representative of the Democratic Party, says this is a chance for them to come into power and change Japan.

Main issues are the postal privatization, pension reform, fiscal reconstruction, foreign relations and the declining birthrate and ageing population.

Let's go to the polls and make a choice.

2 コメント

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Unknown (HIGAN)
2005-08-31 19:52:36
初めましてm(_ _)m              投票はどうかなぁ。行きたい気持ちはあるんですけど、私1人っていうのがあるんですよね。変わらないような(-"-;)
Unknown (karin)
2005-08-31 20:39:14
HIGANさん こんばんは
はじめまして! コメント、ありがとうございます。HIGANさんのお気持ちもよくわかりますが、ゼロがたくさん集まってもゼロですが、1が集まると大きな力になると思います。まず、有権者が投票に行くことが一番大切と思っております。