karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

English conversation

2005-05-24 14:10:42 | ノンジャンル
English writing is very difficult for me. To make myself understood in English is very difficult. Yes, English itself is difficult. But I'm afraid what matters is not only my English ability but also my lack of ideas or affairs.

I am very talkative in Japanese. Some people might say, " Shut up your mouth!" But when I have to speak in English, I am quiet and reserved. Speaking in English is more difficult than writing in English, I think. I'd like to be talkative also in English.

I've never studied abroad. I've never studied at any English conversation schools. In my daily life I have no chance to speak in English except when I attend English Speaking Club at nearby community center once a week ( I wrote about this club before).

We members (about 10 middle aged-ladies) gather on Friday. Our teacher is an American lady. We should speak in English but we are using more Japanese than English unconsciously.

To be good at speaking in English, I must be a good listener. To be a good listener, I must have a wide range of interests and understand what the speaker is talking about.

I'm very weak at listening. The trouble is that I have only a small vocabulary, I am lack of my power of concentration and I have few chances to listen to native speakers of English.

What am I doing ? The only thing I'm now trying is to listen to the NHK English programs on the radio ever morning.

I study English, because I like English.
I study English, though I don't need English at all in my daily life.


1 コメント

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Unknown (shunran)
2005-05-25 00:01:34
karin-san good evening

Your English is very wonderful.
My husband was good at writing and reading English.
However, he was not good at speaking English.

He and I traveled to Germany before.
Because he was not good at speaking German at speaking in English, it
spoke in English almost in Germany.
It is an event in the museum.
When he questioned the person in the museum in English, the person in
the museum said, "You are an American".
We married couples had a hearty laugh.
It is good memories.
