karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

tour to Shikoku (2)

2010-08-31 23:35:00 | ノンジャンル

We reached 道後温泉 in Matsuyama around 5:00
in the evening.

After putting our baggage in our room at a hotel,
my friend M-san and I strolled through the streets.




The next morning we left the hotel at 8:00.
Our bus ran to 内子.

We walked along the street with old wooden houses.
I fondly remembered my good old hometown.

tour to Shikoku (1)

2010-08-31 22:56:00 | ノンジャンル

When I was a high school student,
I went on school excursion to Kyoto, Nara and Shikoku.

I remember a lot of Kyoto and Nara.
But I remember little of Shikoku.

Where did I go in Shikoku?
What did I see there?

This time I joined a package tour to Shikoku.

At Tokyo Station, we took the Nozomi Superexpress
and got off the train at Fukuyama Station.

(Kyoto--from Shinkansen)

Then we got a sightseeing bus at Fukuyama.

Our bus ran along しまなみ海道 from Onomichi to Imabari.

(from my bus window)

On the way we saw a beautiful view from 亀老山展望台 in 大島.