karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

3rd harmonica volunteering in 2010

2010-08-05 22:32:00 | ノンジャンル
In the morning we, 12 members of Harmonica Circle,
practiced playing the 15 songs on the harmonica.

Some of us had lunch at a restaurant named のらや.
It was my first time to have lunch there.

The restaurant looked like a farmer's house
and I had to take off my shoes at the door.
The restaurant was large and crowded.

I hear のらや is famous in Kansai District.
There are three のらや in Tokyo, I hear.

After lunch we went to a nursing home for the aged
and played 15 songs on the harmonica.

・夕焼けこやけ  ・しゃぼん玉  ・村祭り  ・我は海の子
・かかし  ・椰子の実  ・夏の思い出  ・港
・浜辺の歌  ・手のひらを太陽に  ・お江戸日本橋
・五木の子守唄  ・南国土佐を後にして  ・長崎の鐘

Elderly people there looked tired by the summer heat
but I was glad to see them singing songs to our harmonica.