karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's song

2010-08-19 18:25:00 | ノンジャンル
Five days have passed since I stayed here
at koharu's house with her pets,
Maro-chan and Donald.

Donald, goldfish, sleeps around half past six
in the evening and Maro-chan gets up
when I turn off the light.

In order to make their pets' life comfortable,
I make it a rule to get up at six in the morning
and go to bed at ten.

I usually sit up till a little after midnight
in my apartment.

So I wake up very early in the morning
when I go to bed at ten.

This morning I woke up around three o'clock!
I didn't get up but stayed in bed listening to the

Wow! A good old song came from the radio!
It was one of my favourite songs I've not sung
for a long time.

The singer 芹 洋子-san was singing the song

My heart filled with joy and loneliness.


(作詞 永 六輔 作曲 中村 八大)

知らない街を 歩いてみたい
どこか遠くへ 行きたい

知らない海を ながめていたい
どこか遠くへ 行きたい

遠い街 遠い海
夢はるか 一人旅

愛する人と 巡り合いたい
どこか遠くへ 行きたい

愛し合い 信じ合い
いつの日か 幸せを

愛する人と 巡り合いたい
どこか遠くへ 行きたい