karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

conversation in Japanese

2005-02-19 18:37:50 | ノンジャンル
Today is Saturday. If I could walk, I would go to K City community center and enjoy talking with people from many countries.. Every Saturday I go there and help them brush up their Japanese. Most of them are university students or researchers who study economics. Some of them come to Japan with their families. They stay and study in Japan for one or a few years.

Almost all the students and researchers I talked with in these four years were on a scholarship. They were professors of universities, graduate students, national government employees or office workers in their own countries---they were from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Colombia, or Vietnam. I've never been to those countries. I have very little knowledge of their countries or their way of living. So talking with them enlarges and enriches my own world.

It's really surprising how quickly they learn to speak Japanese. They study their specialty in English, taking Japanese classes at university, I hear. They say they are too busy studying their specialty or Japanese to have time to feel relaxed. They also say Saturday is their only chance to communicate with Japanese.

This Saturday Japanese conversation class is open to all comers--both Japanese and foreign people--of course, free. Come and enjoy talking in Japanese.